Frequently Asked Questions

What is Thieves Guild Cidery? Thieves Guild Cidery is a micro cidery and bar. Making our own craft ciders and meads in house and providing a third place for people to enjoy nerd culture at all levels. A place where people can play board games in a cozy tavern space or get rowdy at night. Thieves Guild is a bar so you must be 21 years of age to enter!

What is cider and what is a cidery? In most of the world, when you say cider, it means an alcoholic beverage made from fermenting apple juice. Similar to how wine means an alcoholic beverage made from fermenting grape juice. A cidery can mean a place that crushes apples into juice or one that ferments apple juice into an alcoholic beverage. We will be doing both. Cider terms in the US became confused during and after prohibition. Cider culture is now making a triumphant return in the US. When we use the term cider, you can assume we are using it in the classical sense. A beverage absolutely packed with delicious, natural, sustainable, gluten-free booze.

What kind of ciders will you serve? We plan to keep roughly twelve house-made rotating ciders, the occasional sparkling mead, cyser, and guest beers on tap. A few seasonal cider-infused cocktails will tag along as well. Despite our old-world vibe, we will be making extremely modern, exciting beverages with a focus on local ingredients. We will be announcing the names and tasting notes of our flagship concoctions on our social media leading up to our open date.

Will Thieves Guild host events? We plan to hold several types of events. You can expect occasional tabletop game tournaments, special release parties, trivia nights, and themed nights throughout the year.

What is "The Adventure Story?" Thieves Guild is a tavern on its own plane of existence. When you walk into Thieves Guild, you've entered our world. "The Adventure Story" is what happens when we pay a very expensive mage to send glimpses of our world into yours so that you can keep up with goings-on between visits to the taproom. It is also your primary window into finding out where Thieves Guild is being built in your world, leading up to our open date.

Can you tell us the place where it is hidden? For the last time, we don't know what you're talking about. Please stop asking this.